Leah's eve w/ Cynthia chechy

Our li’l girl, Leah is an amma’s n appa’s girl, especially so, if she’s around people that she’s met for the first time. We’ve seen time n again that Leah has to be around someone at least for a few hours, before she’ll flash her 10 teeth for their viewing pleasure; and at least a couple of days, before she’ll let them hold her without creating a scene worthy of an Oscar for the best drama queen of the year. So, it caught me and Sajuchayan completely by surprise, when Leah was trying her best to get onto Cynthia’s lap, after a few minutes of her being at our home. She was reading her favorite Elmo book w/ Cynthia, calling her chechy & all along, staring at her w/ a look of complete admiration.

The picture below was taken on January 24th, 2009, in front of our Christmas tree, w/ I’m ashamed to say, still stands tall inside our home, as a tell-tale sign of our procrastination!!!! D’u see the look of total awe on Leah’s face, as she’s looking at Cynthia? Hats off to you, my dear friend; you’re the first ever to claim such a honor in lil Leah’s heart!!!

Cynthia Lu is a friend of mine from residency days at Children’s Hospital of Austin (now, Dell Children’s Medical center of Central Texas). She’s undoubtedly one of the sweetest persons that I’ve come across in my life.

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